Meet Financial Report

Instructions for Filing Reports After Conclusion of Meet1

Within seven days of completion of meet, host team shall send a complete set of meet results in the appropriate electronic format (.cl2) to

Within 21 days of completion of meet, host team shall send to AzSI office , by mail or electronically:

  1. Completed Calculation of Amount Due Arizona Swimming1
  2. Meet Financial Report (required by USAS §202.2.11 et seq)1
  3. Completed Coach & Signed Officials’ Sign-in Sheets and Officials’ Assignment Sheets for each session of meet;
  4. Copy of Hy-tek Team Report – Entry Fee Summary with Scratches; and
  5. Copy of any written protests filed and summary of the decision regarding the protest, signed by Meet Referee electronic filing

1Generated by this document

Meet Name
End Date
Start Date
Host Club
Meet Referee
Meet Director
Sanction Number
Meet Type

Sanction Revisions

Number of Sanction Revisions
Total Number of Athletes
Total Number of Splashes

Equipment Rental Expense

Number of Days for two button
Number of Days for pad system
Number of Days for 2 pad system

Sales and Revenue

Program Sales
Concession Sales
Merchandise Sales
Other Income
Concession Expense
Merchandise, cost of items sold
Pool rental expense
Personnel, including security
Supplies / Postage, misc.
Other Miscellaneous Fees

(penalties or other charges due)