Arizona Swimming Officials Broadcast
What is needed by the final email merge page is the Event ID, these are the lower number 100-200 range. The POST ID are the larger 2000+ numbers
Session variables...
Array ( )
The following is the GravityForms 'get_leads' function - DOES NOT emulate Calendar, events are missing. This function does not appear to tap many of the events on the calendar, but it does provide the needed Event ID.
The following is a SHOW ALL results for tribe_get_events - THIS EMULATES THE CALENDAR PERFECTLY but does not contain the needed 'Event ID' nor does it include all the extra event information.
A 'look up' index has been built with 639 Gravity form entries. The following calendar events in red DO NOT have a corresponding 'Event ID' (needed for email system)
End tribe_get_events
This is just a raw show-all dump of 'tribe_get_events'
Array ( )